Thursday, February 27, 2014

The Six Second Resume

Okay, I've had enough.  I'm tired of looking at bad resumes.  I estimate that I've personally looked at over 50,000 resumes by this time in my career and my intolerance for bad resumes has driven me to write a six page guide along with a resume template.  I hope that this makes the world a better place - at least the world of anyone involved in the hiring process.

I'm calling it "The Six Second Resume Guide and Template" based on some research that I stumbled upon done by The Ladders.  The gist of it is that recruiters spend six seconds reviewing a resume before making a fit/no fit determination.  This is true in my personal experience.  Granted, some executive level positions might get a bit more eye attention before moving on, but in this job market, six seconds is about all you'll get.  Here is a link to a summary which also links to their full research:

Check out my guide and template at and let me know what you think.  Together, we can end the blight of the bad resume!

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